"'For I know the plans I have for you,' declares the Lord. 'Plans to prosper you and not to harm you; plans for hope and a future.'"
Thursday, April 30, 2009
My Current Read
I must really be determined. This is my current read, and I am taking it into serious consideration.
Tuesday, April 28, 2009
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Where did Spring go?
Yesterday, we went to the Nashville Zoo with our friends, Kim and Doug. They brought their 19 month old little girl with them. It was Avery's first time at the zoo! We had a lot of fun, but boy was it HOT! The high hit 87 degrees! We all enjoyed our time together, and had fun watching Avery watch the animals, but we were sure tired when we left. Thanks for coming, guys!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I can do this!
I've done really well with my eating, too. I've been VERY good. I have stocked my desk drawer with yummy, low fat snacks, like animal crackers, graham crackers, peanut butter, and Fig Newtons (I LOVE fig newtons...they're like a guiltless cookie and so yummy!). That has helped keep my hunger AND my sweet tooth under control. :-)
Monday, April 20, 2009
My blog has changed!
Recipes, cooking tips, and healthy meal ideas
Regular updates on my progress, including my goals and new techniques as I learn them.
Weight loss tips
Information on good cooking/weight loss websites
Miscellaneous weight loss info.
Please, feel free to advertise my blog on your own site, or tell your blogger (or non-blogger) pals about it! Comments, tips, and of course encouragement are always welcome!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Goals goals goals
I have listed small, short-term goals, a date to reach them by, and we each got to pick what reward we want for each goal reached.
5 lbs by 5/4- we will have NO dessert until we lose at least 5 lbs, at which time we will have fat free ice cream or something at home (don't worry...I won't reward a 5lb loss with a huge piece of pie!)
10 lbs lost by 5/18 - we will not eat out at ALL until this point. We need time to adjust to new eating habits, and hopefully by that point we will have the motivation to keep going.
20 lbs by 6/15 - Mani/pedi for me! Also, the first to lose 20lbs gets to pick a movie to see, and the loser HAS to go see it, and the loser also has to cook dinner AND clean up...all without complaining :-)
30 lbs by 7/31 - new outfit to feel great in! I'm thinking the 1st to 30 lbs gets to go to the spa for a massage or something :P
65 lbs (1/2 way to goal) by 10/31 - Highlights in my hair and new outfit!
In the bathroom, I have a chart, and once a week we will both weigh in together and chart our weight.
I haven't gone any further yet. But I am actually excited about this. Brandon and I are both really competitive with one another, so knowing that he's doing it with me is nice. Tips and advice, as well as any recipes and meal ideas are very welcome.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Prayers for Ethan
This is Ethan Bibb. He is 8 years old, and the son of Robin and Farris Bibb. Two weeks ago (roughly), he went to the Dr. with a stomach virus that he couldn't get rid of for a few weeks. He was having headaches and kept throwing up. His mom insisted he go to Vanderbilt. Once at Vandy, they did a scan of his head. They found a brain tumor. They removed the tumor and did a biopsy and found that it is cancer, and it has already moved to his little spine. They are going to start the most aggressive treatment available soon, but first they must put a cast around his head (not sure what kind it is, but from my understanding it is to protect certain parts of the brain from the radiation and only affect the diseased parts. Correct me if I am wrong.) They are not able to do this because Ethan has had a swollen and painful tummy for a while, and he has to lay on his belly for 45 minutes to have it done. They found out today that it is a mass in his little belly. They are not sure what it is. Ethan is in a lot of pain, and he is on a constant morphine pump to help his pain. They need to do a scope on his tummy, but Ethan isn't strong enough. His parents are very exhausted, and getting frustrated, simply wanting some answers. I can only imagine what they are feeling right now. Ethan has an 11 year old sister, Lanna. Please pray continuously for this baby boy and his family. Pray for peace and understanding for the family, and strength, energy, and courage, to get through this. Pray that Satan will have no hold on this little boy's life, but that God's will be done in him. Pray for healing and courage for Ethan. Pray that he will get well enough to start treatment very soon. Most of all, pray that the family will not lose sight of the wonderful and mighty God we serve, and that they will continue to trust him through all of this. Pray for God to heal this little boy, if he so chooses. And, if not, that God will wrap his arms around this young family and draw them to himself in their greatest time of need.
I will continue to update as I get them.
Monday, April 13, 2009
In the midst of the storm
Click on the link above to view a video about the storms.
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Throw away the Key
Most young offenders serving life without parole were exposed to poverty, violence or drugs during childhood, the Equal Justice Initiative reported.
Some victims' families say that's exactly why the juveniles should stay locked up.
Salerno, of Crime Victims United of California, said that some juveniles can be rehabilitated but that some committed crimes so severe, resources shouldn't be wasted on them.
Seriously? Resources shouldn't be WASTED? That's what you call it? So, let's get this straight. A child is brought into the world, into bad circumstances such as poverty, abuse, gangs, drugs, and violence...that they had no control over because a child can't choose their home situation, so they need to be punished when they start leading the only life they know? When all a child sees growing up is hate, greed, selfishness, and lack of respect for the human life, that is what they are going to migrate to. It's natural for them. For many of these teens, a gang is the only sense of family they have ever had. So instead of "wasting resources" to help put them in a better situation and rehabilitate them, giving them a shot at life, we would rather spend millions of dollars to keep them locked up for life, taking away any hope for a future?? Is this really the way Christ would want us to treat our children?
Still trying to breathe
Sunday, April 5, 2009
Breathe, Kelly, breathe
First off, WE'RE BUYING A HOUSE!!!!!! That is, if everything goes smoothly and as planned. We even get a 4% grant (that's free money, folks!) to use as the down payment! So, if we find a seller to pay closing costs, then we should pay nothing out of pocket. That's right, nothing. :-) I am so ecstatic, I can barely contain myself! We are meeting our realtor today, and I couldn't be more excited! And we go next weekend for a first time homebuyer's education class, which sounds boring, but I am very much looking forward to it!
We went to Sparta yesterday to visit with Brandon's Nana and Pop. I love those people. They are so sweet. I get bored to tears in Sparta because there is literally NOTHING to do. But, I still adore them :-) And we always end up leaving with a bunch of stuff. Nana gave me an entire box filled with cake decorating stuff...LOTS of tips! I am so excited about that, that I am making a cake today! :)
I know I haven't kept up with the blog, but I am still doing the Love Dare. I love it so far. It really keeps me on my toes, and keeps me thinking every time I say or do something. I think to myself "I could have said that differently" or "I should have just let that go. It wasn't THAT big of a deal." I still mess up, of course, but I always apologize and make up (that's the best part!)
Well, that's all for the moment. I've got a ton of cleaning and laundry to do. Brandon will be sleeping for quite a while, seeing as he only had 6 hours of sleep in over 48 hours, so I am taking advantage and going to scrub scrub scrub!