Sunday, August 31, 2008

New Year's Resolution...9/01/08

Well, tomorrow marks the start of two things. 1) the start of the Purpose Driven Life study at church, and 2) the start of my 101 in 1001. Therefore, I am about to print off my 101 and place it on my refrigerator door as a constant reminder. I will post regularly about what I am learning in the PDL study, as well.

As far as my 101, tomorrow, I will start a new eating habit. I am laying down the majority of my sweets and becoming more aware of my plate. I can complete goal #1 of losing at least 50lbs. I am also going to go back to the Y and start my routine again. I am dreading it with great intensity. I HATE working out. I hate exercise of any kind, no matter how long I do it. No matter how good it makes me feel. It takes time out of my day, and there are so many things I would much rather be doing. So, say a prayer for me that I will succeed. I am working on my family mission statement, and as soon as I finish it, I will post it and it will also be framed and placed inside my home to remind us what is important to Brandon and I. This is important to me, especially before we have children, because when we have them, we can teach them from day 1 what we stand for. I am now going to go color code my list (thanks for that idea Katie!) so that you can track my progress!

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