Monday, December 29, 2008

New Start

I usually don't make New Years' Resolutions. While I do love the idea of a fresh start, and the motivation we all feel at the beginning of the New Year, I have yet to actually keep a resolution. However, I do have some goals for the upcoming year.

1. (I make this one every year) Start an exercise routine...hopefully my new mp3 player will motivate me.
2. Get more financially stable.
A. Create a budget and stick to it!
B. Put money in the savings regularly.
3. Lose weights (yet another that I make every year). I am thinking of joining Weight Watchers....again.

That's all I can handle for now. Too many goals are overwhelming, so I will focus on the most important.

We also are hoping to start our family this year! I am discouraged because we are having some problems (my mom had similar problems which resulted in 5 miscarriages and 18 years of marriage before she had a baby). I am hoping and praying that it doesn't take that long. I am taking ovulation inducers, and hopefully that will work. I'll let ya know.

Happy New Year!

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