Saturday, October 4, 2008

Apple pickin Part II

We went on our apple picking adventure today, and I must say that we had a good time. Except for the fact that you have to drive quite a ways to get to an apple orchard...sigh... it was really fun and very much worth it. We visited the Red Chief Orchard in Gallatin, TN. We had the whole place to ourselves except for one other couple that came in right as we were leaving, so it was very peaceful and pretty. We paid $10 and got a 5 gallon bucket that we could fill to the top with apples. We didn't quite fill our bucket, but we still have tons of apples for the two of us, and we would never have gotten them for ten bucks at the grocery store. I think this may be a new Fall tradition for us. It was very nice to enjoy this amazing weather!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that looks fun!

for the record, we have a pear tree in our yard that has TONS of pears on it right now and you are welcome to as many of those as you'd like!