Sunday, October 19, 2008

My Fitness Pal

My friend, Bekah, told me about this site, so I decided to go check it out. I'm quite impressed. It's called, and it works almost just like Weight Watchers Online, which I did for a while, except this site is completely FREE! You create a profile, enter your height, current weight, goal weight, current daily exercise routine (sedentary, slightly active, very active, etc.), and it will give you a custom many calories, fat grams, and carbs per day to consume, and how often to exercise and for how long. It will also tell you how long it should take you to lose a certain amount of weight. For instance, if I stick to my plan, I could lose 10 lbs by November 15th! That's neat because it gives you something to work towards. But the cool thing is, you don't have to count calories yourself, you just put in the foods you eat and it calculates your calories FOR you! It is very similar to WW, and very easy to use. I'm going to try it for a week and see if I can stick to it. We'll see what happens. There is also a community thing on there where there are message boards and forums where you can talk to others and get support and encouragement, and they'll even send you recipes. I'm pretty excited that it's free. Brandon and I are both trying to make better choices, so maybe this will help.

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