Saturday, October 25, 2008

I apologize...

So, I have been a bad blogger lately (I like to tell myself that people actually do read my blog). The truth is, nothing remotely exciting has happened lately. We've been broke and haven't been able to do much, so I have no idea what to write about.

Let's see... I did some Christmas shopping tonight. I can't believe Christmas is only 2 months away. I'm looking forward to the holidays this year. Usually we dread them because "our" family is so stinking difficult when it comes to fitting everyone in. But, this year we have decided that we will go where we want, when we want. I know that sounds awful, but meet our family and you'll understand. We want to enjoy the holidays, not be stressed out about who is mad that we aren't spending Christmas Day with them.... we've talked about actually staying HOME on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day and having a small dinner just the two of us, that way we do all of our family stuff on other days, and no one gets jealous because someone else got the actual holiday.

Anywho, I didn't post my weekly menu this week because, well, it's not very good. I went for cheap and easy this week, so it's lasagna, sloppy joes, and chicken. Woo hoo...

Brandon has been doing really well with going to the gym, and I'm proud of him...I'm thinking I should join him...

That's about it for now folks. Goodnight, sleep tight.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh Kelly I know excatly how you feel about your family issues and the holidays. It is the same way for our families. But you know you and Brandon are a family now, and what the two of you decide is what you shall do.

Don't feel bad about your menu at least you make one. I always wait til the last minute to decide.

Oh and Kudos to Brandon for getting to the gym he has a million times more disapline then I do! I quit going to the gym a few months ago.

Take Care!